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Play the Myth.
Own the Masterpiece.
演绎传奇 典藏之作

Designed and built by George Lowden and his team at Lowden Guitars, this extraordinary acoustic guitar is a fusion of craftsmanship and Irish folklore.
这款非凡的原声吉他由 George Lowden及Lowden Guitars团队设计打造,是精湛工艺与爱尔兰民间传说的完美融合。

Known worldwide for creating fine handmade acoustic guitars, Lowden Guitars has poured their expertise and passion into this one-of-a-kind collectors piece that carries the spirit of Irish legend Fionn Mac Cumhaill in every note.
享誉全球的Lowden Guitars以匠心打造手工原声吉他著称,此番将毕生制琴技艺与热忱倾注于这款独一无二的收藏级乐器。每一个音符都承载着爱尔兰传说中的英雄Fionn Mac Cumhaill的不朽精神。

Inspired by the Stones of Legend
The Giant’s Causeway, with its striking hexagonal basalt columns, has captivated imaginations for centuries. According to the legend, these stones were Fionn Mac Cumhaill’s handiwork, crafted in a moment of unmatched determination.
巨人堤道,以其令人赞叹的六边形玄武岩柱群震撼世人。千年传说吟唱,恢弘的火山岩阵乃是Fionn Mac Cumhaill以神力铸就的旷世杰作。

This guitar pays homage to that iconic landscape featuring an inlay designed and inlayed by Lowden Guitars’ own Will Baugh. The inlay features a varied palette of woods, each with its own story: 5000 year old Bog Oak, Myrtle, Oak reclaimed from Bushmills whisky barrels. The inlay also uses Australian She Oak and figured Mahogany.
这把吉他致敬了那片标志性的景观,其镶嵌装饰由Lowden Guitars的制琴师Will Baugh亲自设计并手工镶嵌。镶嵌图案采用了多种蕴含故事的木材:5000年历史的古老沼泽橡木、香桃木、从Bushmills威士忌酒桶回收的橡木,并融合了澳洲木麻黄与纹理独特的花纹桃花心木。

A Singular Opportunity

This guitar is 1 of 1. A true collector’s item, it embodies rarity, heritage, and artistry. To own the ‘McCool’ is to hold a piece of Ireland’s soul, rendered timeless through music and design.

Global Treasure

While born from Irish folklore, the ‘McCool’ Guitar speaks to a universal audience.
“McCool” 吉他虽源自爱尔兰民间传说,却能引发全球乐迷的共鸣。

Whether you’re a musician, a collector, or a lover of fine craftsmanship, this instrument transcends borders.

Its striking design and unparalleled sound inspire players and audiences alike, creating a legacy as enduring as the Causeway itself.

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